2020 Annual Review

Ever since reading The Happiness of Pursuit in 2015, it’s been a tradition of mine to draft up an Annual Review at the end of each year, in prep for the next one. With the exception of last year, in order to hold myself accountable, I’ve posted mine online every year on my (now rarely updated) blog.
If an annual review is a new concept to you, I highly recommend it as it is thoroughly therapeutic. It forces us to reflect on the goals we held over the past year (or the popular yet overrated resolutions). What went well? What didn’t go so well? Why do we think that is? Whether it be financially, health or travel related, self-development, or learning, what are our new life goals for the next year?
For 2020 though, I’m late. It’s January 1st, 2021 and I’ve got nothing.
I’ve sat in front of my computer on and off for the past few days, unable to conjure up a single goal for the next year. Like I stated before, I never wrote an annual review for the end of 2019. I guess it didn’t matter anyways, since as most of us considered, “2020 was cancelled” (no refunds). I still I couldn’t think of a single goal for 2021, and then it hit me.
How could one plan for a new year when there is still so much uncertainty?
Don’t get me wrong, despite the closures of 2020, some amazing things did happen last year. While the rest (or most) of the world stayed home, us in healthcare kept working. Protests happened & we kept working on as the numbers went up, down & back up higher than ever. We saw some communities come together. We also saw people more heartless & selfish than ever (I’m talking to you Karen).
2020 sent me through a whirlwind of emotions & I’m not even sure in which stage of grief I’m living through right now. March was denial & May was anger (and a few months after that). Vaccines are here, but COVID isn’t gone yet.
Nonetheless, with the little optimism I have left, I’m still determined to make something out of 2021. Here’s my best go at an Annual Review with a twist of my dark (but extremely honest*) humor:
*This ones for Ana, but “don’t @ me”
So what went well?
Road tripped from Washington to Southern California with my best friend, Leydi
Got to see Yellowstone National Park
Did some great hikes with my boyfriend
Passed my CT registry, so I’ve got some extra letters to the end of my name: Jen Nguyen R.T.(R)(CT) ARRT
What went not so well?
Failed to take Leydi into Disneyland (one day…)
Surprised! America is still racist as ever!
At some point I questioned if my career was worth doing. Ultimately decided I still love my job & wouldn’t want to work in any other field no matter what, but questioned if people were worth helping.
Goals for 2021
Now with my CT certification done & out of the way…
Improve on my Spanish speaking skills (this means Duolingo every day!)
Ready one book every month. (Minimal expectation, yet a realistically achievable number)
Learn more Asian recipes in the kitchen.
While going out in public can be extremely stressful nowadays in the world of mask vs. anti-maskers, learn that people are human, and know that you getting upset won’t change anything. It just ruins your own day & life’s too short. Just keep your distance & let it go.
Uphold a realistic workout schedule, for keeping my back pain at bay & strengthening my legs.
This Summer, (pay someone to) rebuild the retaining wall in our backyard. One step closer to our own oasis…
Renew passport in hopes of being able to travel internationally again. *fingers crossed*
If the Canadian borders magically open to us again, road trip & hike around Banff/Whistler.
Visit more national parks within the USA.
If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading. Hope you give the annual review a go. Here’s to better days in 2021! - JEN