Thoughts for Twenty 15

"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas A. Edison
It's hard to believe that today is the last day of 2014. I swear, as you get older, time just seems to fly by, and before you know it, you're already planning for your next year! I spent my first half of 2014 traveling and having the time of my life, and the second half of it in a long depressive slump (which I've lifted from). You can read more about my year in my Annual Review & my depressive slump (here).
Yesterday, I stopped by Target to pick up a 2015 version my favorite wall calendar & weekly planner, by Sugar Paper. I just love the modern simplicity of their pieces, so this is actually my third year in-a-row purchasing their wall calendars. Their weekly planner is beautiful as well. It really gets me in the mood for new years! You can check out some of their other pieces below:
As I plan for the near year though, I thought I'd finish up my annual review from the book, The Happiness of Pursuit, which involves choosing several categories for yourself, & creating a few goals within each category for your next year. Here's what I came up with:
Post at least 2 blog posts a week
Post at least 1 video a week
Refresh on Japanese for trip
Read at least 1 book/month
Explore a radiologic modality
Lake 22
Heather Lake
Palouse Falls
Color Run (5K)
Run Disney 10K
Avengers Disney Run half marathon
All of the above leads to the final step of your own personal annual review, which is to ask yourself, a year from now, what do you want to have accomplished. Here's what I want out of 2015, which I will dub, "The Year of Pursuit."
At the end of 2015, I will have finished my radiologic technology program and passed my boards with flying colors. I will have pushed myself physically, more than ever before, through training, hiking, and a series of runs leading to my first half marathon. I will have expanded my education through reading, traveling, and immersing myself in different cultures and foods. And of course, I will have recorded every one of my adventures, as I always have: through photography, blogging & video.
I hope you enjoyed this really short and rough look at what I have planned for 2015. I look forward to new adventures & just bettering myself through those experiences. What plans do you have for 2015? I love hearing and getting inspired by other peoples' goals. I wish you all a happy (and safe) New Years! - JEN (P.S. follow along on my adventure on Instagram @InJensLife)