Downtown Seattle Rocks the Runway

Hey loves! This Wednesday, I was invited to attend Downtown Seattle Rocks the Runway. It's a fashion show at Pacific Place to kick off five days of shopping & savings in the downtown Seattle shopping area.
This would also be my first opportunity to attend as media (so I got to hang with those guys above).
I was accompanied by my best friend Annie, and we both had a blast walking the red carpet, a goodie bag, and enjoying cocktails in the lounge. (Details on my outfit can be found here).
Here are some of my favorite looks from all shows:
There are definitely a lot of colors I'm really excited for this Fall season, and mustard yellow is one of the few on the top of my list! I'm loving this jacket (bottom right above) by SandyLew. Also, is it just me, or does the model on the bottom left (above), have a striking resemblance to Elizabeth Olsen?
Also, just as my last experience at Metropolitan Fashion Week, the ladies in the room went wild when the male models hit the stage. Here they're modeling clothes from Barney's New York (left) and Zebra Club (right).
Besides the sold-out rows of seating surrounding the runway, there was an astounding number of people watching the show from the balcony of the 2nd to 4th floors of the mall.
Another trend I'm excited for, as the leaves turn yellow and Fall really sets in, is bring back the dark red lip. A lot of the models were sporting that look today.
I hope you all enjoyed this photographic journey with me to #RunwaySEA! It was definitely a new an exciting experience for me, so I am so happy to share it with you guys. Thank you so much for reading! Check out my vlog here. JN