Happy 2014!

Hey loves! I hope you had a wonderful New Years Eve, because 2014 is here, and I have a feeling it's going to be a great one!
As I celebrated NYE with my friends last night (I'll have a vlog up tomorrow), the motto that seemed to be really resonate with me into the new year was:
"It's worth a try. It can't get any worse."
I mean... this was during a few games of pool, but this year I will be turning 25 and I feel like I've learned a few things by now. Of course there's so much more to learn, but at least I developed a few life survival skills by now. For example, sometimes you really can't change your situation or the people around you, but I find it a waste of time to be upset or sad. Instead, change your attitude, accept it, and move on. Life's too short to be unhappy.
Going back to my new motto though, this year I want really put myself out there and try new things. As Miss Frizzle used to say, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" If you think things through and take chances, the worst that can happen is you get rejected, or you have to try again. You'll never succeed that things you've never tried.
So with that said, here are some of my new years resolutions.
Push myself to my limits, try new things, and challenge myself.
I used miss out on so many opportunities, simply because I was too scared to try, or too scared to fail. Now I understand that you only fail, once you've given up. Nothing in life is hard, it just take time.Wash my face EVERY night.
We all know we should be doing this, but we've also all been there, where we've been just too tired to do it. Not this year!Workout AT LEAST twice a week.
The key to keeping your new years resolutions, is setting reasonable goals. I don't need to lose weight, but I just wanted to work on maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. It's recommended that we workout for at least 30 minutes straight, for at least 3 times a week. This year will be my toughest school year yet, but I know I can at least commit to 2 days a week. :)
I wish you all luck with your resolutions this year! Let me know what yours are, and I'll keep you guys updated on how I do with mine! Good luck! - J E N