Disneyland Paris

While Walt Disney Studios left me slightly disappointed (and lacking a churro), Disneyland Paris was nothing short of the Disney magic I was used to, but with a Parisian twist. I especially loved their Disney Magic on Parade (below).
What made it even better, was the fact I had never seen any of the Disney parks with their Halloween decor! It's something I've wanted to see, and I felt so fortunate to see it in Paris!
Not to mention, their It's a Small World ride was refreshingly, and adorably vibrant.
In the end, I still had no churro, but I loved the park regardless. I loved the selection of rides & fell in love with the fireworks show against the castle. At 30 minutes long, it's well worth the wait. Plus, what kind of blog would it be if I didn't include some long exposure photos for you guys? :) Hope you guys enjoyed the photo montage! love, JEN