Dapper Bound

So over the weekend, I turned 28.
To celebrate, I naturally went to Disneyland! Where else? Actually there were other places I would have rather flown to, but after putting money towards a car this year (you'll meet Becky soon), traveling was something I was going to have to cut back on. Plus, my birthday fell really close to Dapper Day & I had never been!
Dapper Day is an unofficial. totally unrelated Disney event that takes place twice a year (Spring & Fall) in Disney parks around the world. I've certainly found myself in the park, on Dapper Day, by accident. You see a lot of people dressed in their vintage Sunday's finest, something I've always wanted to try. With my best friend by myself, we Dapper bounded as Donald Duck & Daisy Duck! Can you tell?
It was truly magical! Every regular day at Disneyland after this will be just mediocre after this. Love, Jen