Holiday Bliss
A year ago today, I had just moved into my house 2 months prior. So for the holidays, my place only had a couch, a tv, and christmas tree. A year later, my house has finally become a home.
It was over a year long process, but Conor & I can safely say that we are 95% done with our living room. The only exceptions are our desire to exchange our floor mirror for a bigger one (stay tuned) & to fill the walls with art (I have wall art commitment issues).
So far though, with most of the furniture in place, we were actually able to enjoy the holidays this year, instead of stressing about looking for furniture & arranging for delivery. In fact, with most my family not having seen my house, I even hosted Christmas for my family this year!
The tree itself is flocked one I picked up last year at Home Depot. My home didn’t have much, but it wouldn’t feel like Christmas without a tree! And I know, I know. There’s two types of people out there, the pre-lit tree users, and the “cut down my own tree” type. I don’t find anything wrong with the latter; tradition is tradition, and to each their own. Except for one Christmas when I was 4 years old though, my family has always had a single fake tree, and it has never failed us!
I did know a family once, that always purchased a potted tree & after christmas, they we would plant it.
I just wasn’t personally keen on chopping down a good old tree, just for a month. Moving into my own house though, meant I got to choose my own this time, and I was set on it being flocked!
other Small touches
As a progressing minimalist, I worked really hard to not “go overboard” with Christmas decor this year. With the exception of gifts and our ornament starter set from Target, I have rule about purchasing no more that 1-2 ornaments a year. It’s been a personal tradition of mine, to hunt for ornaments that represent that year to me, and no more. It’s satisfying to me, knowing that at the end of the Christmas season, all my Christmas gear will fit in no more than 3 boxes. Other than that, I just put a few simple pieces (also from Target) around the house & some decorative branches I purchased from JoAnns.
so instead, we’ve found some new tasty to traditions to practice, that don’t up a lot of space at the end of the holiday season.
This year I had a go at making vegan gingerbread cookies!
All in all, being it’s my first home and that it’s finally furnished, it made for a perfect holiday season! I already can’t wait for next Christmas, so I can pick a new gift wrapping theme, make more gingerbread cookies & pick out new ornaments for our tree!
we also made our first christmas card!
Thanks for reading! We hope you all have a happy holiday & an wonderful 2020!