First of the Season

First of the Season

After working like mad, a slight snow shortage & my trip to Scotland, I finally found time to head up to Stevens Pass for the first time this season! 

Some people  might not get it, but my love for skiing is a necessity, and this visit to Stevens was my first time back after spraining my ankle in early 2017.  I might not be the greatest, but it's something I want to work on for the rest of my life.  Maybe it's because I'm from the East Coast (which always gets ridiculous amount of snow), nothing is more beautiful to me, than the contrast of Washingtons evergreen trees against the fresh white snow.


I went with my friend Tyler; one of the few skiers I knew. Most people I know snowboard for some odd reason lol. Anyways, I was hoping for some blue skies, since the forecast called for "partly sunny," but the image below was pretty much the only break of blue skies I could see. 

IMG_1968 2.JPG

Either way it was a great first time up & I was glad to take Becky (my car) up to the pass! Love, Jen