Two Lips

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Spring is here and the tulips are in full bloom early here in the Pacific Northwest, and I was able to take advantage of some good weather we had a few days ago & check out Tulip Town.
Every year, this is something I look forward to, because it's always been conveniently during the month of my birthday (April), with the exception of this year. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers for their simplicity, vibrancy & resiliency. I used to have tulips in my yard, at my old house. We planted the bulbs one year and every year after Summer, the tulips would die and disappear entirely. Looking at the dirt, you would never think anything was ever there, but come Spring again, tulips would seem to pop up over night. Metaphorically, it makes one feel hopeful & reassured about some things in life.
It's also crazy to think, that in a month, I'll be turning 26. I used to be so scared of my birthday, despite my annual weeklong celebrations. I always related to Michael Jackson in the sense that, I felt like I never wanted to grow up, because I'm such a kid at heart. Of course, that's still truer than ever, but now, my birthday doesn't seem to mean as much to me. Sometimes when people ask me how old I am, I actually have to hesitate & think. I may be 25, but I feel 20 (I don't drink)... ok maybe 23. There are people out there in their 40s, that act like a 20-year-old, & 20-somthings with the wisdom of someone in their late 50s. More than ever, the numbers just don't mean anything anymore.
I truly understand now, that its just about how you feel. Here's to hoping I feel like a kid at heart forever!
Thank you all again for reading! Have a wonderful Monday! But first, coffee ;) - JEN