Cocoa Beach

Hi loves! Yesterday my best friend Annie and I made a mini road trip over to Cocoa Beach, FL! What would a trip to Florida be, without a visit to the beach, am I right? :) Before getting some sun though, we headed to Coconuts on the beach for a "little" snack.

After a refreshing strawberry smoothie and a few appetizers, we were off to enjoy the hot sand and warm waters!
Garage Bralette tank (similar here) | American Eagle shorts (similar here)
Michael Kors bag | Sam Edelman sandals | Victoria's Secret swimsuit (similar here)
I have to admit, coming from Seattle, WA, it was way to hot for comfort, but it was nice to lay out under sun, without a cloud in the sky. If I ever come back to Florida, I will definitely be coming back to Cocoa! I highly recommend it! Next time though, I'll be sure to bring food, an umbrella, and maybe take surfing lessons. - JEN